Sensi Studio
黑色皮革handle迷你straw Basket包
This black Sensi Studio leather handle mini straw basket bag has been handwoven with straw, features leather top handles, a cotton tie fastening interior and one main compartment. "My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time," once said Charles Dickens, so make sure purchasing this basket baby does not drop off today's to do list (do not let it go sailing down the river, à la Moses). Wear your Sensi Studio leather handle mini straw tote to a riverboat soirée on the Thames.
Browns 报价
¥ 1148
关于 Sensi Studio 品牌
厄瓜多尔人 Stephany Hollihan de Sensi 在米兰和迈阿密学习了时尚,之后回到家乡推出了 Sensi Studio。由本土工匠手工制作,品牌打造出时尚南美必备品,比如巴拿马草编帽和草编包。Sensi Studio 帽子富有俏皮热带风情,包括草编流苏和多色绒球,手工制作外观和海滩美...
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