Calvin Klein 205W39nyc
Grey Double Breasted Check西装夹克
This grey CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC double-breasted check blazer is made by experts in Italy who crafted this long-sleeved jacket just for you. Note the metallic buttons on the front, the pointed lapels, the side welt pockets, and the buttoned cuffs. This, my friend, is a work of excellence. If we were a teacher, we'd be handing out a gold star to anyone who rocked this CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC outerwear to school.
Browns 报价
¥ 3312
这件单品归属于 Calvin Klein 205W39nyc 品牌的夹克类目。
我们统计了 Calvin Klein 205W39nyc 品牌的夹克类目下的 95 件单品,最新的市场均价约为人民币 11022 元。
这件单品目前电商报价低于品牌类目均价 69 %。
注意:因上述均价计算包含了 Calvin Klein 205W39nyc 品牌夹克类目下的不同单品,单品系列、爆款、折扣情况等都会对单品市场价及均价产生影响,因此上述统计仅供参考,不一定适合所有情况。
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