
Rose Alpaca羊毛blend Knitted毛衣

This beige Philosophy Di Lorenzo Serafini rose alpaca wool-blend knitted sweater features a crew neck, leg of mutton sleeves, ribbed edges, a cropped hem and a beige and black rose embellishment at the centre front. Spun from a sumptuous alpaca wool-blend, this Philosophy Di Lorenzo Serafini sweater reminds us of the following Chinese proverb: 'a thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom'. We think this is a warning against horticultural theft but perhaps there is some deeper meaning that eludes us. We're wearing ours to the country club.


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关于 Philosophy 品牌

原为意大利时装品牌阿尔伯特·菲尔蒂 ( Alberta Ferretti ) 的年轻副线品牌,原名 Philosophy di Alberta Ferretti,隶属于 Aeffe 时尚集团。2013年,哲学 ( Philosophy ) 正式成为独立的品牌,不再作为阿尔伯特·菲尔蒂 ( Albert...



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