Michael Lo Sordo

Belted Silk Trench大衣

This green Michael Lo Sordo Belted silk trench coat is designed with storm vents and adjustable sleeve cuffs. We are all for equality amongst the sexes, and by that we mean we never let anyone take our coat at the door, gentleman or otherwise (well not when it is a much lusted after silk piece by Michael Le Sordo). See us wearing our Michael Lo Sordo Belted silk trench coat at a notorious nightclub in Berlin.


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¥ 3913 7826  

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关于 Michael Lo Sordo 品牌

澳大利亚设计师 Michael Lo Sordo 推出的产品以简洁和优雅为主要特色——一件衣服能够长久穿着是他在设计时一定会考量的因素。品牌服装廓形飘逸舒适,所用布料更是大为加分。我们尤为喜爱其水洗真丝风衣和棉府绸上下装单品。



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