Giuseppe Zanotti
Embellished Spiral手镯
Constructed in the legendary shoe making district of San Mauro Pascoli in Italy, Giuseppe Zanotti is famous for creating show-stopping accessories underpinned by luxury artisan craftsmanship. Crafted in Italy, this gold-tone metal embellished spiral bracelet from Giuseppe Zanotti Design features crystal embellishments and a flat snake chain.
Farfetch 报价¥ 2647 |
关于 Giuseppe Zanotti 品牌
Giuseppe Zanotti成长于位于意大利里米尼的一个历史悠久的制鞋区,他一直期盼着能够拥有一个属于自己的鞋履系列。在其他设计师门下工作了几十个年头后,Zanotti于1994年实现了梦想,在其名下推出了镶以珠宝的凉鞋系列。该系列一战成名,为这位设计师在更宽领域进行探索尝试提供了更多动力。现在,...
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