Christopher Kane
Crystal Chain Tailored夹克
‘Constant innovation’ and ‘rebellious femininity’ are just a few phrases used to describe Christopher Kane’s collections. This black crystal-chain tailored jacket from Christopher Kane features peaked lapels, shoulder pads, long sleeves, a chest pocket, a double breasted front fastening, two front pockets and draped crystal lengths .
Farfetch 报价¥ 14350 |
关于 Christopher Kane 品牌
备受瞩目的苏格兰设计师 Christopher Kane 在圣马丁设计学院毕业后,与姐姐 Tammy 于 2006 年顺利开创同名品牌,以创新的时尚美学闻名,交出了一张漂亮的成绩单。这位新锐设计师不断推陈出新,挑战自己的创作能力,新作品每每令人惊喜无限。
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