Alison Lou

Letter 14 Karat Gold Diamond项链

Alison Lou's delicate necklace is the type of piece you'll never take off. Handcrafted from 14-karat gold, it's strung with the letter of your choice and detailed simply with a sparkling 0.04-carat diamond. Choose your own initial or that of a loved one. Shown here with: Rosie Assoulin Dress, Alison Lou Earrings. (Round-cut F-G VS-S1 diamond, total weight: 0.04-carats Lobster clasp fastening NET-A-PORTER.COM is a certified member of the Responsible Jewellery Council)


电商缩略图 NET-A-PORTER 颇特女士 报价

£ 475   约合 ¥ 4331 网站声明与提示:①单品价格一般取自当日电商报价,实时价格请访问电商网站查看;②汇率数据取自当日银行网站钞卖价,实际购汇价格可略有差异。因数据采集、生成过程所导致的价格时滞,本站不承担告知义务,请使用者知悉。

关于 Alison Lou 品牌

高级珠宝设计师 Alison Chemla 追求有内涵的设计,也希望她的作品能为生活带来欢声笑语。有了艺术史和网络平面设计的专业背景作支撑,出自她手的珠宝首饰兼具优雅和谐趣——14K 黄金、搪瓷和宝石缀饰富有精致韵味;表情符号造型全球通晓,相信任何人看到都会会心一笑。



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