Cornelia Webb
Gold Tone Hoop耳环
When was the last time that you treated yourself to a dainty treasure? These gold-tone 24kt gold plated brass hoop earrings from Cornelia Webb that shimmers and shine with crystal embellishments and a polished finish. These are an accessory that you'll cherish for years. Featuring a polished finish and a butterfly fastening. These earrings come as a pair.
Farfetch 报价
¥ 1524
关于 Cornelia Webb 品牌
Cornelia Webb 曾是一名医学院的学生,并醉心于人体解剖学,因此对于人体构造可谓了如指掌。这位自学成才的瑞典斯德哥尔摩珠宝设计师一反设计师在纸上作图的常态,而将手稿直接画在自己的身体上。如此诞生的一件件做工精美绝伦、设计别具匠心的配饰,造型清新而又前卫,堪称迅速升级时尚指数的“法宝”。
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