Carolina Bucci

The Lsd 18k Gold Forte Beads手镯

FORTE Beads are all about individual style - there is no right or wrong way to design your own - Created for Moda Operandi's Lauren Santo Domingo, Lauren's custom FORTE Beads Bracelet kit arrives ready for you to thread the 35 18K gold Florentine Finish beads, their signature finish created by beating gold with a diamond-tipped tool. Complete with a white Moon lurex bracelet cord finished with 18K yellow gold florentine finish tips FORTE Beads are easy to construct and deconstruct, again and again. Perfect for all wrist sizes.


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关于 Carolina Bucci 品牌

意大利设计师 Carolina Bucci 出生于一个拥有丰富珠宝制作历史的家庭,她所创立的同名品牌拥有一系列标志性的金色吊饰手镯和项链,每件作品皆选用色泽大胆的真丝以文艺复兴时期流传下来的佛罗伦萨织机手工编织而成,完美诠释设计师称之为“创新与传统并存”的品牌精神。



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