Isabel Marant Étoile
This white Isabel Marant Étoile sleeveless striped top will give you good arm cleavage (which is all the rage) the trick is to achieve more Miley than Madonna, as your aesthetician has promised (you are paying him 20 thousand dollars a year for a Kylie?) This style is sleeveless, has been crafted from cotton, features a stand collar, vertical stripe and rough hewn trims. Flex some shopping muscle in Mayfair with your Isabel Marant Étoile sleeveless striped top, Saint Laurent , Re/Done , Cornelia Webb , Malaika Raiss , more Malaika Raiss and Atp Atelier.
Browns 报价
¥ 1284
关于 Isabel Marant Étoile 品牌
Isabel Marant 的 Étoile 副线创立于 2000 年,是巴黎个性风格与女性化韵味的标志。该品牌充满年轻活力的服装系列,结合了休闲风剪裁与波西米亚风细节,自创立以来备受 Chloë Sevigny 与 Kirsten Dunst 等名人的青睐。
这件单品归属于 Isabel Marant Étoile 品牌的上衣类目。
我们统计了 Isabel Marant Étoile 品牌的上衣类目下的 153 件单品,最新的市场均价约为人民币 1614 元。
这件单品目前电商报价低于品牌类目均价 20 %。
注意:因上述均价计算包含了 Isabel Marant Étoile 品牌上衣类目下的不同单品,单品系列、爆款、折扣情况等都会对单品市场价及均价产生影响,因此上述统计仅供参考,不一定适合所有情况。
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