7 For All Mankind

Mid Rise Flared牛仔裤

Black cotton-blend mid-rise flared jeans from 7 FOR ALL MANKIND featuring mid-rise, belt loops, front button and zip fastening, flared and classic five pockets. POSITIVELY CONSCIOUS: We’ve joined forces with ethical agency Good On You to give you the power to choose positively. This piece is from a brand that scores well on their key criteria.


电商缩略图 Farfetch 报价

¥ 539 1544  

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关于 7 For All Mankind 品牌

成立于 2000 年美国加州洛杉矶的 7 For All Mankind,彻底改写了牛仔时装的发展史。这个顶着“奢华”光环横空出世的牛仔裤品牌,打破了人们对于牛仔裤的传统理解,以奢华性感的明星气质比肩高级时装品牌。7 For All Mankind 的牛仔服饰是好莱坞及中国娱乐明星、时尚达人的心水之选...



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