Nicholas Kirkwood

Casati 18 Faux Pearl Embellished穆勒鞋

These black Nicholas Kirkwood Casati 18 leather faux pearl embellished mules are going to be your new shoes du jour, after all, as Coco Chanel claimed 'lace is one of the most wonderful imitations of nature. But pearls are perfect for every occasion’. Crafted in Italy to exacting standards, these Nicholas Kirkwood slip-on shoes feature an almond toe, leather insole and a gold-tone 18 mm faux pearl embellished heel. We'll be wearing ours with Malaika Raiss, Cornelia Webb , Stella McCartney and RE/DONE .


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关于 Nicholas Kirkwood 品牌

Nicholas Kirkwood 是曾获得 2008 年英国时装协会 “施华洛世奇年度新人设计师”大奖的鞋履设计师,被誉为“鞋履界的米开朗琪罗”。如今,秀台上的宠儿 Nicholas Kirkwood 将其品牌推向更上一层楼, 大胆的用色及面料的运用让他的高跟鞋系列达到令人眼睛为之一亮的效果。他似乎...



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