Paper London

Florentine Red Cutout泳装

This red Paper London Florentine CutOut Swimsuit will pull at the heart strings and cause it to flutter, it is so fetching, this happens a great deal when excited by the prospect of a new purchase, as best put by Emily Bronte, “I have to remind myself to breathe, almost to remind my heart to beat." This strapless bandeau style, has a cut out heart on the bust, is made from a stretch material and ties at the back. For hearty walks along the beach wear your Paper London CutOut swimsuit with Re/Done and Cornelia Webb .


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关于 Paper London 品牌

PAPER London 创意总监 Kelly Townsend 以明亮的色块、大胆的廓形和对比的纹理解读现代艺术,推出的经典款设计迸发着张力十足的街头前卫气息,难怪连续两季蝉联英国时装协会 Contemporary Award 奖项的宝座。



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