Opening Ceremony
Marquee suede over-the-knee boots
A sleek way to update your cool-weather style edit is with these 'Marquee' suede over-the-knee boots from Opening Ceremony. The dark brown suede fits snugly and finishes with a chunky heel and a clean round toe. Make them a go-to with skirts and dresses - mini hemlines will temper the length immaculately.符合正常尺码;欧洲尺码;鞋跟7厘米;楦高58厘米;楦宽32厘米。
Mytheresa 报价
€ 200
关于 Opening Ceremony 品牌
Opening Ceremony 起初只是位于曼哈顿的一个热门精品店,如今已经成为业界交口称赞的独立成衣品牌。每季,设计师兼创始人 Carol Lim 和 Humberto Leon 均以年轻情侣旅行为灵感来源设计服装。品牌的设计风格清新独特,极具个性,同时富有“逍遥自在”的随性情怀。
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