Oscar Tiye

Silver Minnie 120凉鞋

These metallic Oscar Tiye Minnie leather open toe sandals are a pair you shouldn't waste another second thinking about, after all, as Walt Disney himself said 'the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing'. The result of impeccable Italian workmanship, these Oscar Tiye shoes feature open toe, a thick front strap, a 120 mm stiletto heel, a closed back and adjustable ankle strap with circular appliqués, which resemble mouse ears. We're teaming ours with Stella McCartney and Givenchy.


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¥ 1692 4228  

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关于 Oscar Tiye 品牌

Oscar Tiye 创始人 Amina Muaddi 和 Irina Curutz 渴望创造出兼具优雅与力量的完美鞋履。每件作品都在以传统手工艺著称的意大利制成,配有品牌标志性的玫红色衬里和带衬垫内底,可确保穿着时舒适自在。富有童趣和女人味的设计俘获了包括时尚街拍明星 Giovanna Battag...



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