Mercedes Castillo
'Valerie' Croc Embossed皮革boots
Capturing Mercedes Castillo's love for architecture, the Valerie ankle boots are designed with a sculptural heel and an elongated square toe. Veneered in croc-embossed leather with a glossy finish, this pair will lend your footwear a polished touch.
Lane Crawford 报价¥ 4990 |
关于 Mercedes Castillo 品牌
Mercedes Castillo 在 Donna Karan 和 Tory Burch 任职多年,声誉和才华早已响彻时尚圈。如今她自创同名鞋履品牌,凭借着对建筑和世纪中期风格的独到见解,精炼出雕塑形态、几何饰纹和出挑色彩,付诸鞋款设计。值得一提的是,Mercedes Castillo 特意将品牌名字...
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