Christopher Kane
Metallic Floral Silk Blend Jacquard夹克
Where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary, London-based Christopher Kane has been challenging fashion ideologies and notions of beauty since 2006.<br><br> This collarless jacket has a fitted cut tailored from a silk-blend jacquard knit with a floral pattern that's flecked with metallic fibers for an iridescent sheen. Wear it with the [matching miniskirt](
Moda Operandi 报价¥ 11165 |
关于 Christopher Kane 品牌
备受瞩目的苏格兰设计师 Christopher Kane 在圣马丁设计学院毕业后,与姐姐 Tammy 于 2006 年顺利开创同名品牌,以创新的时尚美学闻名,交出了一张漂亮的成绩单。这位新锐设计师不断推陈出新,挑战自己的创作能力,新作品每每令人惊喜无限。
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