Double Rainbouu

Lizard print one piece with scoop back

This green Double Rainbouu one-piece features a limited edition lizard skin digital print all over and a low scoop on the back. It is the ideal swimsuit (or "cozzie" if we're going to be all Australian about it) for channelling your inner lounge lizard – definition: an idle frequenter of places where rich or prominent people gather. Isn't that perfect, darls? Revel in your reptilian reputation in this Double Rainbouu swimming costume styled with a bit of Marte Frisnes , Balenciaga and R13 .


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关于 Double Rainbouu 品牌

Double Rainbouu以趣致新颖的手法重塑经典夏威夷衬衫。醒目的热带印花灵感源自设计师Mikey Nolan和Toby Jones家乡澳大利亚的滨海文化,“海滩俏佳人”和“池畔酷女孩”便是他们创作时心中所想象的造型对象。



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